Get Paid to Hunt Deer on Maui!

11 years, 9 months ago 16

Do you want to Hunt Deer on Maui? Maui hunters are forming a cooperative to kill axis deer that are overrunning farms and ranches on the Valley Isle.

Hunters in the Maui Axis Deer Harvesting Cooperative will get to keep the venison they get. Owners of property where the deer are killed may also keep some meat if they wish.

U.S. Department of Agriculture inspectors will accompany some of the hunts. This will allow some of the meat to be inspected and sold commercially to restaurants and farmers markets.

“The formation of the (cooperative) is our first step towards controlling this invasive species and turning a pest into a resource,” Maui Mayor Alan Arakawa said in a statement.

The cooperative will start off with 20 hunters. All will have a valid Hawaii hunter’s license, have National Rifle Association certification, and have undergone background checks.

The hunters will also receive safety training from an experienced Maui deer hunter and will be covered by the cooperative’s liability insurance. The cooperative hopes this will persuade private property owners to invite them onto their land to hunt the animals.

“We wanted to be able to calm fears that private landowners have about just anyone coming onto their property,” said Phyllis Robinson, cooperative co-founder and coordinator of the pilot project.

How many deer the cooperative kills will depend on how many property owners ask for help. But Robinson said she expects the hunters to go out three times a week, killing five deer each night, or about 780 a year. Their first hunt will be this month.

The cooperative is receiving $37,500 from the Mayor’s Office of Economic Development.

Axis deer are similar in size to whitetail deer found in the continental U.S. Deer don’t have any natural predators in Hawaii, and their numbers are growing 20 to 30 percent a year on islands where they’ve been introduced.

A few deer were brought to Maui in the 1950s as part of post-World War II efforts to introduce mammals to different places and increase hunting opportunities for veterans.

The latest official estimate for the population is 12,000, but many believe Maui now has several times that many.

Maui County estimates the deer have caused $1 million in damage over the past two years at farms, ranches and resorts on the island.

16 Responses

  1. scott macdonald says:

    I am a licensed hunter with a petmit to acquire and my fire arm is registered with the maui police. I would like to hunt deer, but it is hard to find spots to go. I also sh9t a bow. If their is a chance for me to hunt these lands i would appreciate it. I like to hunt for the meat, not sport. Thank you.

    • Bowhunt Hawaii says:

      Aloha Scott, like anywhere the best way to get access to hunt is to go knock on doors, introduce yourself, and offer to help with chores. Most local folks will welcome a little help and be pleased to let you take a couple of deer off their land. Good Luck!

  2. Mike Niemeyer says:

    I try anything once, pay for my trip and I’ll kill anything u want

  3. Erick Martell says:


    I am interested in participating in the Maui Axis Deer Harvesting cooperative if this is still available. Could you please direct me on the process of participating.



  4. Jody Edwards says:

    Aloha, I live here on Maui in Kihei, I’m 23 very fit and capable of hunting deer here in the islands. I have my Hi. hunting license and compound bow ready to go, I have a few registered rifles as well if the task calls for it. But prefer to bow hunt. I can be available any nights you need, and would be honored with an opportunity such as this. I would love to help bring balance with nature. And feed my friends and family in the process. I spoke with a man a few months ago who said he was working on forming this cooperative. It’s just what maui needs.

  5. Jeremy Powell says:

    Is this hunt for bow hunters only?

  6. I want to bow hunt in Maui

  7. Dan Traver says:

    I will be in Maui in June for about a week. Is there any way to participate in the Axis deer harvesting program and if so what do I need to do? Thank you

  8. Michael Farias says:

    I’m interested in helping with this program. I don’t have any licenses or a gun to hunt deer. I do own a shotgun and have the permit and know how to use it. How do I get involved?

  9. Yvonne Bringuel says:

    I spoke with someone in the co-op last year…I was disappointed to learn that you are expected to bring to the table a piece of property that the co-op will be able to hunt on… join the group of huntable properties. So basically, you have to secure a property to be able to have the chance to hunt on other properties……not much of an opportunity in my opinion.

  10. Mark Wales says:

    I am retired from the USPS. So I have time to hunt. Bow or Rifle. Have Hunting License.

    • Bowhunt Hawaii says:

      Best bet is to ask around town or offer to help out with chores on property that has deer or pigs. You might just get it all to yourself!

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