Hawaii Axis Deer

We are seeing some great horn growth on our Hawaii Axis Deer this spring, in just a short while and many will be rubbed and hard horned for the rut this summer. If you have ever wanted to chase a trophy Axis Deer with your bow this may be the summer to do it. Hawaii has experienced drought in many areas for the past few years however, this winter has produced good precipitation so far. We have some great spring and summer weeks still open, give us a call and we will put you on a Trophy Hawaiian Axis Deer.
Bowhunt Hawaii offers fair chase spot-and-stalk hunts for trophy Hawaii Axis Deer. Many bucks harvested will reach 30 inches in length and occasionally push 34″. They are striking trophies with amazing hides that add a touch of exotic to your trophy room. Hunters often ask when Hawaii Axis Der are in velvet and hard horned? It is safe to say that you can find hard-horned deer at any time of the year however, many animals will be in velvet from January through April with a hard horned phase lasting through August.
Tags: Archery, Axis Deer, Bowhunt, Bowhunt Hawaii, hunting, Lanai Hunting, Molokai Hunting
This entry was posted on Thursday, May 9th, 2013 at 3:33 pm
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im moving to maui and i am a bow hunting fanatic. i dont know anyone there who hunts them to give me tips on where to find them. i was hoping i could get some feed back on when they rut? what areas they are usually in? do they move when it light or dark? thanks.
Aloha, most Axis Deer rut during the early summer, although breeding may occur at other times as well. Most of the best hunting is on private land and we can definately set you up with a great hunt. Shoot us an email with the dates you will be in town. http://www.BowhuntHawaii.com
Can you tell me where to get more information about hunting Axis Deer in Lanai?
Aloha, Give us a call or email and we can arrange a great hunt with the top guide on the island. 808.772.0383 BowhuntHawaii.com
rates for semi guided or guided bow hunts for axis hunt on quality property with good buck population?
Aloha Dave, we contacted you directly via email with info for Hawaii bow hunts.
Do you have prices for guided or semi-guided axis deer hunting on Lanai for my wife and myself for the 2016 season.
Drop us an email via the contact button on the website BowhuntHawaii.com