Category : Video

Hunting Pigs Hawaii Hunting Pigs to Save Hawaii Reefs. The ocean is fundamental to all life on Earth. It covers 70% of our planet, dictates weather, regulates temperature, and takes carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. On the ocean floor lies one of the most diverse marine ecosystems in the world: coral reefs. There’s no […]

Hoyt Bows Hawaii, Hoyt Pro Defiant If you are headed to Hawaii any time soon you may want to consider bringing along a new Hoyt Bow! Throughout 2016, Hoyt’s #iamdefiant hashtag garnered much attention in the bowhunting community. Of course, the hashtag’s subject is the Defiant and Carbon Defiant. The wave continues with the 2017 […]

Living in the REAL Old Hawaii “Until the Sun Sets” If you clicked through to watch this short film you’re in for a real treat. The film is called Until the Sunsets, it’s set in ancient Hawaii, and it’s freakin’ amazing! The story is captivatingly thrilling and the production value is fantastic. The movie has […]
Hawaiian Ibex Hunting | GoPro. Check out this Big Island Point of View GoPro Vid from Area 808. Gettin’ on some nice Hawaiian Style Spanish Goats. Spanish Goats were introduced to Hawaii by Captain James Cook in 1778. They were well known in Hawaii by 1793, and reported as abundant by 1850. From 1844 to […]
Bowhunting Lanai Axis Deer Mahalo Pau Hana for this vid!
Bowhunting Hawaiian Black Sheep Take a great from winter and check out some good old fashioned Hawaii spot-and-stalk hunting. One of our favorite weekend getaways is Bowhunting Hawaiian Black Sheep. Check out the vid to see what all the Hawaiian hunting action is all about. Mahalo to One Up One down for this vid-sorry about […]

Hawaii Archery Pig Hunt Hawaii Archery Pig Hunt | check out this cool reverse angle
Big Island Solo Goat Hunt Hawaii solo goat hunt Mahalo to Area808 for this vid.

Bowhunting Lanai Axis Deer with Shane Dorian Check out this video Bowhunting Lanai with Surfer Shane Dorian