Tag : Conservation
Hawaii ow Hunters | The Pele Defense Fund filed a lawsuit Tuesday challenging the state’s Ka‘u Forest Reserve Management Plan. The group, joined by individual hunters, claims that the state Department of Land and Natural Resources needs to conduct an environmental impact statement for the plan, which would fence 12,000 acres for habitat protection. The […]
Hawaii Hunting | So here is the scoop, if you were domiciled in Hawaii for at least a year and/or possess a valid Hawaii’s driver license and/or are an active member of the Military stationed in Hawaii and/or are registered to vote in Hawaii and are purchasing with a credit card that utilizes a Hawaii […]
Hawaii Hunting License Application | In case you dont already have your Hawaii hunting license here is a link to the State of Hawaii’s license application page for your convenience. Hawaii residents are $10 and Out-of-State is $95 annually. Make sure you have your Hunter Safety/Education card from your home state. https://hunting.ehawaii.gov/hunting/license.html;jsessionid=6DC45705CE37D04050521F8650C75CB8.olomea
Hawaii Hunters- Through a legislative twist of fate, the very first items on the agenda when the Senate reopened recently were Federal Migratory Bird Hunting Stamps, better known to their fans as duck stamps. But before the media begins making weak jokes about lame-duck Congressmen, the legislation deserves a closer look.The Sportsmen’s Act of 2012, as the […]
Axis Deer | The state Board of Land and Natural Resources on Friday will take up a proposal designed to help rid the Big Island of axis deer. The proposal to be considered at a meeting in Honolulu calls for the board to declare axis deer to be harmful to agriculture as well as native […]
Do you want to Hunt Deer on Maui? Maui hunters are forming a cooperative to kill axis deer that are overrunning farms and ranches on the Valley Isle. Hunters in the Maui Axis Deer Harvesting Cooperative will get to keep the venison they get. Owners of property where the deer are killed may also keep some […]
Hawaii Axis Deer Smuggling | A third man is charged in connection with transporting invasive game animals from the Big Island to Maui. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser reports Big Island rancher Daniel Rocha is charged with providing the 14 mouflon rams that were transported via helicopter to Arrow One Ranch on Maui in 2009. Maui helicopter pilot Thomas […]
Aloha ka kou and welcome, You are visiting the Hawaii Bowhunting Nation! We are all about getting close to trophy big game in the Hawaiian Islands. Longbow, recurve, compound, no matta- its all about sneaking and peeking in some of the most awesome country in the world -da Hawaiian Islands. Check us out, there is lots […]